I do hope you are all having the most splendid holiday celebrations. Merry Christmas to you all!!
I thought I'd pop by as it's been an absolute eternity since I last posted.
I have a warm mug of milky coffee at my side, along with a mince pie to nibble on and I'm feeling rather reflective.
It's almost the end of another year and 2016 is already on the horizon.
2015 has been a good one for me. It's been a busy year and zoomed by at lightning speed, but definitely a good year.It's hard to comprehend that it's already coming to an end.
When I look back at 2015 I see that it's been a year of work. My job had been nonstop and feels like it didn't slow up at all, which I must say is the main reason I haven't been popping by to write on my blog. Being exhausted from work and trying to balance regular blog posts, seemed like a juggling act and at the end of the Summer I decided to take a little break from According to Matt.
I only intended to be away for a couple of weeks, maybe a month at the most. We are now 5 months later and you haven't heard a thing from me. I'm sorry for that, especially to all of the people that have stood by me and my blog for so long.
Having a break from my blog has been great though, I feel creatively recharged and ready to start something new.
Something new is really the case though, as I have decided to call it a day with According to Matt.
It's been a really great journey and I've enjoyed every moment of my blog, which is the exact reason I'm not quitting Blogland all together. Simply moving homes.
After some serious consideration I've decided that I'm no longer going to be writing here on my blog. I will keep the blog online for anybody who wants to look back at old posts patterns and tutorials, but nothing new will be written here. Instead I'll be over at my new home A Boy & Bunting.
I'm so insanely excited about it!! I can not wait to share it with you all.
It seems appropriate that with the ticking over of the new year to start something fresh and so from January 1st, A Boy & Bunting will be online at " www.boyandbunting.com" I do hope you will all pop by and visit us at our new home and support our new venture the same as you've always supported According to Matt.
I really can not tell you how much I have planned together with Dennis for the next year a head! I hope you join us for the journey and can't wait to see you on the other side!!! Thank you all for the support over the past 4 and a bit years, it really means the world! Lots of love always