Monday 13 August 2012

Wrapped In Lace.

Hello lovelies! How are you all doing? It so nice that you popped by for a visit, I've got a little something to share with you :-)

I have a little bit of extra time at the moment, which is nice! I've given up my German course for a month or so,  until I'm done learning the material for my new role at work. I was finding a little bit much trying to balance everything so I think stopping the course for a while is wise. It means I was able to finish a project!!
As you know last month I bought some new yarn (you can read about it here in my 'Silver Linings' post). Some Zpagetti yarn and some lovely vibrant lace. I had a play around with both. One of the yarns I absolutely adored, the other...errrrr..... not so much!!!

Ok so lets briefly talk about the yarn I didn't like so much. The Zpagetti yarn. I was super excited about working with this extra thick yarn. It is made from strips of cotton material and looked like it would be a lot of fun to work with.
It was interesting to work with, but not fun. I found it quite tricky to use as it stretches a lot and also working with yarn so thick took some getting used to.
I had a go at following the instructions it came with to make a bag, but I wasn't happy with the outcome. I had a go at some other things from the Zpageti website but also wasn't happy with the how they turned out. The biggest problem for me was that the yarn varies tremendously in thickness as you work through it. This resulted in my work looking very wonky. I HATE it when my work looks wonky!!! Enough said!!!!!!!
Sooooo I still have two balls of Zpagetti yarn waiting to be made into something. I haven't given up on it totally, I'm just waiting until I find the some  Zpagetti fuelled inspiration.

The other yarn I bought was a gorgeous lace merino from Lana Grossa. It's a delicious bright turquoise and I've been franticly whipping it up into a delicate shawl for a friend of mine. I do Hope she likes it!

Here it is!!!

I'm very happy with how it turned out. I used a pattern by Kim Miller, it's called 'Wrapped in Lace' (Here's a link to it on Ravelry).

It's the first time I've ever made a lacy shawl. The pattern was very easy to follow and can be made to the size you desire.

Isn't it beautiful how delicately it hangs!? I'm obsessed with this colour at the moment. It sums up happiness and Summer. I think that it appears very classy and fresh.

I used 150g of the lace (3 balls) and just loved how it worked up.
I adapted the pattern a little when it came to edging as I didn't want to add beads to the shawl. Instead I went for a little picot design.

I wasn't sure about how the edging was looking when I first started. However,  once I blocked the shawl I was extremely happy with it.

So there we have it. My 'Wrapped in Lace Shawl' for my friend Mimi!


I can't wait to give it to her now that it is finished! Maybe I'll be able to pursued her to have a picture taken whilst wearing it so I can share with you all.

What kind of projects are you all working on? Anything similar to the shawl I've just finished?

Have a SMASHING week!! ;-)
Matt xxx

This post has moved!
You can read an updated and revised version on our new blog.

Click here to read this post in full at it's new home!


  1. Wow! That is sooo lovely! You're right about the colour, it is totally summer. I really want to make myself a shawl and have been trawling ravelry for a pattern that I love, will def follow the link for this one!
    I have a few projects on the go at the moment - none as gorgeously lacey as yours :( I will be taking a few pics as soon as the sun shines and writing about them on my brand new very own blog! Which I'm quite excited about, hehe!
    Once again, fab job with the shawl, that's one very lucky friend you have!
    with love, Karen x

  2. Muy hermoso el pico de ganchillo ole, ole ole .......

  3. That shawl is absolutely gorgeous! And I love how well it's blocked, too! That happens to be one of my favourite colours, I have made a shawl in almost that exact colour. Only not in merino. Now I've got yarn envy and want to make another one.

    I've never actually used the Zpagetti but I've seen it around and the concept is nice, since it's basically just t-shirt yarn made from fashion industry scrap material, but it looks so heavy to work with... You also need a hook the size of an average table leg to work it properly, so that's also not making it more appealing to me.

  4. Oooooh, that shawl is sooo beautiful!
    The colour is amazing, and the lace pattern is just perfect for this yarn.
    I think I'll put this on my to-do-list ;-)

    Love, Liz from Belgium.

  5. Wow, it is so beautiful!, I love this colour!!!!!!. Congrats!.

  6. The shawl is gorgeous!
    As for the Zpaguetti (love the name), I've never used it myself, but I've seen a lot of bags made with it.
    If you have friends with cats, try this little "hut", is adorable

  7. I predict Mimi will be one happy friend! What a lovely gift. And the color is gorgeous. I always love this color and find it is one that most people can wear, which is unusual. The edging is perfect. Such beautiful pictures!

  8. Perfect colour and perfect pattern :) I admire your products:) Love from Turkey :)

  9. The thick red "stuff" is not me at all, but the turquoise sea colour shawl is, if Mimi doesn't like it I will give it a good and loving home! Off to bookmark the pattern.

  10. I have some of the Zpagetti in purple; for a bag for my sister. I get the feeling it would work better knitted rather than crocheted.

    The shawl is amazing! What a beautiful colour.

  11. Lucky Mimi that is so beautiful :) x

  12. That's so funny - my last couple of blog posts have been about a shawl (well a shawlette!) I have been making! Funnily enough I made mine with 3 balls of 50g yarn too - but mine was Belle Organic Aran - so was much thicker than the lace yarn and only made a small shawl. I am really pleased with it - but yours I LOVE! So gorgeous - and one of my favourite colours. I have never tried lace yarn - I think I'm a bit put off by how long it would take to make something with it - it must have taken you ages to make the gorgeous shawl! Your friend is very lucky!
    Maria x

  13. Fantastic shawl and I love the colour :)
    A shame about the zpaghetti yarn. I didn't realise it was thick n thin. Sounds a bit like Noro. As TheFacelessFool said, it's probably better suited to knitting if it varies like that.

    Ruby x

  14. gorgeous ... love the blue :0)

  15. Mimi's Shawl is BEAUTIFUL!The work,the colour,the picot edging.....MASSIVE LOVE and Lucky Mimi! Working on my Xmas Pressie List, first item a knitted capelet for my's never too soon to start...or is it?

  16. It really is gorgeous. I love that colour too it's s fresh.

  17. the shawl is terrific!!!! love the colours and the details of the edging!!!
    xxx Alessandra

  18. The shawl is beautiful, but the zpaghetti yarn - looks as if it might make a rather ethnic-looking bathmat...

  19. I am sure Mimi will be thrilled with this delicate and beautiful shawl.
    You have such a great talent for colors and photography and in every photo the lace shawl gets a new look!!


  20. Adoro azul e adoro xales.
    Lindo, lindo.
    Um abraço.

  21. Beautiful shawl in a wonderful color :) I am at the moment doing crochet, a Victorian style outfit for my Barbie *__* LOT's of work but so pretty.

    Greetings from Marian from Thailand

  22. Oh wow! It's such a beautiful shawl, and the color! I envy your friend haha...I'm currently working in my crochet jewelry, but have been thinking a lot about doing a shawl...:) I hope to get the ispiration, I'm very bad at larger projects since I'm so used to making jewelry...but we'll see

  23. What a wonderful gift. Your a great friend to have! Your work is perfect and stunning! I am currently working on a southbay shawl from Lion brand yarn..Not in love yet. We will see. I also am working on a baby blanket for my neice I got the tutorial From Tillie Tulips blog...Daisy blanket. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Love the color and pattern of the shawl! Just beautiful. I know your friend will adore it.

  25. Absolutely gorgeous shawl. I'm sure your friend will love it.

  26. This is absolutely stunning!! I love the colour and the way the shawl turned out. You did a fantastic job and I can´t wait to see other things you knitted or crocheted. Thanks for sharing! Mimi will be a very happy girl with that!

  27. The shawl is absolutely stunning! As for the Zpagetti yarn, what about a rug? I have seen a lot of those online and they look great with such heavy yarn

  28. Lovely!! If she doesn't like it; I do! ;)

  29. I thinks Mimi will love and adore this beautiful gift!!!
    It is made with love, and that's more worth then,..well,.. anything!
    The color and all the work that goes into it,... just lovely!!!
    If she does not like it,.. I do!!! hehehehe..

    As for the Zpagetti, about a laundry basket? or a round or square carpet? People make bags of this material but the bag alone is so heavy, let alone that you put all your stuff in it! Too heavy to carry!

    I am working on a crochet bag and i am bunting with hearts.

    Have a wonderful week !


  30. I was tempted by the Zpagetti yarn, but reading about it now, I might give it a miss until I find something I really like doing with it. I am desperately trying not buy anymore yarn without a specific project for it, since it seems to multiply in the cupboard :-)

  31. wauw this is sooooo nice!!! And great color too!!

  32. it's really a great color! And the shawl is...absolutely perfect! :)
    Have a nice day!

  33. Gorgeous, gorgeous shawl !!! I love the colour, one of my fave's, your friend will be thrilled. You have a lot of patience with the Zpegetti, I would have given up on it. Have a good week. Deb x

  34. What a gorgeous shawl! I think I am jealous of Mimi! :)

  35. Beautiful shawl - it reminds me a little of a spider web, definitely worth the effort of blocking.

  36. The shawl is beautiful Matt and such a wonderful colour - I adore it! I would love to have a go at something like that, I'll add it to my ever increasing to do list. I'm working on various crochet blankets (still) and two knitting projects at the moment - a pair of socks for my brother and a poncho for me - funny going from using 2.5mm needles for the socks to 6.5mm for the poncho! Have a great week Joanna xx

  37. Te quedo divino!!! encantan tus trabajos, tienes muy buen gusto en la eleccion de los colores, este azul es muy bello felicidades!

  38. I love the wonderful shawl! Your friend is very lucky!

    I know the Zpaghetti frustration. I hate it too.
    Perhaps you can crochet a basket for a cat with the zpaghetti....

    I just finished a colorful Pip-style heart to attach to my Pip bag.

    Have a wonderful day!

  39. The shawl is lovely - tourquoise is my birthstone colour. I might have to give this pattern a whirl. Please accept a 'One Lovely Blog' award from me.


    I've just pinned it on my 'I would like one please' board ;-)

  41. Hi, Matt
    I believe this is the first time I have visited your blog. I clicked a link from a fb page called we love lucy 11. Someone there posted your blog link.
    I love, love, love this little lace shawl. So delicate and bright. Perfect! I agree, the picots are the perfect touch, rather than beads or pearls.
    I love beading, too, but this just stands on its own.
    Fabulous job!
    I will be visiting again.

  42. This is one beautiful shawl. The color is simply breathtaking. I've only made one shawl myself and I do like it, but the pattern just has to be right for the amount of work that goes into it! I am now working on a Saroyan scarf (free revelry pattern) and an Argyle sweater from the "Vintage baby knits" book for my son. Happy knitting and crocheting!

  43. Oh wow, that shawl is stunning, and I especially love your border. I think I would choose a border just like yours as well. After learning to knit mittens and socks for the past year, I've been back to my true passion, Crochet! So I'm off to start my own shawl - I've really been wanting to start a shawl lately. Thanks for sharing, Matt.

  44. Great shawl :) Also hate the Zpagetti yarn :( My work seems so sloppy and wonky too... I'm working on my first knit attempt. Much more fun!

  45. Hiya, i experimented with the zpagetti a while ago, and ended up making a basked and a huuuge doiley for my bathroom floor, we call it the doily on roids!! its fun!

  46. This shawl is absolutely beautifull ! Love this color, perfect in summer ! I'll maybe try to do it but it's not easy for me when the pattern is in english :( A bientôt !

  47. Lindo!! Eu adoro turquesa!

  48. I was in awe at the beauty of the shawl you made. I'm actually working on a shawl too.. with a wonderfully variegated yarn of microfiber! I just did a post of photos from my lake camping trip and there is a photo of the shawl - I do hope you pop over and visit me. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  49. Your friend Mimi is a lucky girl! Perhaps you could try crocheting a small bathroom mat with the zpagetti yarn? I love the examples that can be found on flickr, e.g.:

  50. Very nice, thanks for sharing.

  51. Really really great! An amazing shwal, love this wonderful colour!

  52. I love the shawl... Perfect color... Beautiful work. I just made a crochet shawl.... And I was really happy with the result. I did put beads on mine, but it was a lot of work as m yarn was thicker . I had it posted on last weeks post. What great work. Your friend is a lucky one! :)

  53. Wow! Gorgeous shawl! Love the color and the edging.

  54. Nice, I will have a closer look at the system, since I’m looking for one at the moment!
    Sumo Suit Hire

  55. the shawl is very beautiful! i love the color and the pattern you used to create it. keep it up! I am now following your blog :)

  56. Hi Matt!
    Just stumbled across your blog and I can't believe it's taken me this long!! I love it ALL!!
    I've been perusing through all your gorgeous pieces, the colours! the encouragement! Your vibrant spirit comes shining through in all of it! I love it!!!
    I just finished making a giant floor doily with my zpaghetti yarn... it took lots and the change in thickness was frustrating, BUT now that it's all blocked, it looks AMAZING! Can't recommend it enough... just search a doily that you like on ravelry then make it huge! I used white with a 12mm hook... super sore shoulder and hand, but my little sis is going to LOVE it!
    Anyway! Thank you again for making the internet a more beautiful and inspiring place!!!
    Can't wait to see more of your work!

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