Saturday 9 June 2012


Yay!!! I'm sooo glad you could all make it!!!
So, I guess your all wandering what the big cake/party/celebration is all about? Some of you have guessed correct and some of you were WAY of the mark :-)

Today is the 1st Birthday of our blog!!! So come grab a drink! A glass of Champagne maybe?

 Or perhaps you'd prefer a cup of tea? And let's all celebrate together!!!

I know it probably seems a little "over the top" to be celebrating the blogs Birthday. I just couldn't let it pass without acknowledging the FAB first year Dennis and I have had working on it!

I prepared enough nibbles to munch whilst we chit chat over all things crafty!

 Jammy Dodger, anyone?

Enough party food for all!!!

When I started the blog this time last year, I really had no idea where I was heading. I didn't plan on this purely being a craft blog. In the beginning I tried to keep it much more turns out you can't keep me away from the crochet and crafts!!!

It was really fun to have Dennis join the blog in December. Not only has it been a great hobby that we can enjoy together, It's also been lots of fun working creatively with each other.
Using each others ideas and finding a balance between what I like and what he likes. It's been interesting to say the least. Sometimes we had arguments ( I can get stressy at times), but most of the time we worked just fine and would encourage each others ideas.

So who's for Birthday cake?

I've been working on this cake for the last week or so. I tried to keep it within the style of the blog......I think I succeeded! :-)
Each of the layers has a different theme. A theme based on some of the projects we have made throughout the past year.   
We've had a lot of projects on the go, here are some of my favourite projects and post from our first year. (you can click on the pictures to go to the original posts)

Peg Perfection

Crochet O'Clock

Felt Hearts

Jammy Dodger Tutorial

So there you have it! Our first year of blogging, project making and creative craftyness! It's been a great first year! Thanks for all of the support and inspiration. For reading, commenting and giving us lots of LOVE!!!
So glad you could come along and celebrate with us today!!!

Matt and Dennis xxx
This post has moved!
You can read an updated and revised version on our new blog.

Click here to read this post in full at it's new home!


  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Best wishes on a great blog from New Zealand.

  3. Congratulations on a whole year of such a fab blog! I only discovered your blog a couple of months ago, but I absolutely love it! My boyfriend and I just moved in together in March, and your blog has given me so much inspiration to make my house beautiful!! :-) can't wait to read your next 12 months of posts!!! :-)

    Louisa xx

  4. Happy first blog birthday!
    Have a nice crochety day! :)

  5. Happy Blogging Birthday! What a visual feast, I always enjoy reading your blog and I am looking forward to another year of reading all about your adventures.

  6. happy blogiversary :-)

    it is such a joy to read what you've been up to and just looking at your projects brings a smile to my lips. Hope the next year will bring as much fun as this one did x

  7. Happy blogaversary, Matt and Dennis!! Brilliant party, with lots of yumminess! :-) xxxx

  8. Happy blogiversary to you two!
    This is the best birthday cake ever :)

  9. Happy Blogiversary, to you both, you have achieved so much in one year well done!
    Have a lovely day :)

  10. Happy Blogiversary! You sure know how to throw a party! All those lovely cakes are just wonderful. I'm looking forward to another year of you blogging.

  11. Yay!! Love it!!! Happy, happy birthday lovelies!!!!! X

  12. wow! what a fabulous feast of colour, crochet and sweet treats ❤ you certainly know how to spoil us :)
    congratulations on your year! may you enjoy many more happy blogiversaries xxx

  13. Oh my! This is the cutest ever Blogversary post! Glad you have enjoyed blogging so much - I've definitely enjoyed reading it. Here's to the next year. Hip Hip...Hooray!

  14. ......and many,many more! Your 'staging' is sublime!Your blog has been a real inspiration in content,colours,projects,pics. Thank you both for being here and sharing the love.x

  15. I look forward to your blog each week. It is my favourite. You two are so creative and so original with your ideas. Looking forward to reading many more of your blogs in the future.

  16. Congratulations! I've just recently started following your blog, but I'm totally in love.
    Keep up the good work, looking forward to many years more of your blog.

  17. Happy birthday to your blog! Here's to many more years and thanks for sharing your crafty world! xo

  18. Happy 1st Blogiversary!!! :)
    Vivienne x

  19. Happy Blogiversary! I've celebrated my blog's first birthday only a few weeks ago, so I know how it feels to see your blog grow out of its baby shoes :)

    You've had a great first year, and I'm looking forward to the next one!

    have a great week-end,


  20. Happy birthday-blog!! Your blogs is fantastic
    Regards from Spain!

  21. Happy Birthday!!!
    I LOVE that granny square blanket. It is amazing.
    Hope you enjoyed the party

  22. Buon Compleanno Matt & Dennis!!!!
    xoxo Alessandra

  23. Oh what a fabulous party ... Happy 1st birthday and I hope there'll be lots more. Thanks for sharing your love of crochet and craft - your work is beautiful. xoxox

  24. I would have dressed a bit nicer if I had known I was going to a party!!!! Happy Birthday and I can't wait to see what inspiration the next year brings.

  25. Happy Blog-irthday! I so look forward to each & every new post. You both make the most beee-u-ti-ful things. Hope you continue your blog for a looooong time----it is absolute the best.
    Much love to you both from Texas!

  26. Happy birthday from Poland! Wszystkiego najlepszego!

  27. Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!!!

    Luv Jane XX

  28. Happy Birthday from Australia. I was thinking of your party while enjoying a spot of crochet today. xxx Kelli.

  29. You guys are so stinkin' cute! Love the blog, love the colors... Keep it up and HAPPY 1st (blog) BIRTHDAY!

  30. Congrats! Many happy returns! Keep us amused and happy and enjoy what you are doing!AriadnefromGreece!

  31. Happy blogiversary!! It's exciting, isn't it? I wish your little corner of the crafting blog universe 'many happy returns' because it's become one of my favorite places too.

  32. Congratulations and here's wishing your beautiful blog lots more of such loveliness to come!!

    Loved the cake and all the tempting yumminess you have laid out for us to feast on..Esp the strawberries :) Looking forward to an exciting year of crocheting and crafting ahead from both of you in this space!!!

    Rajeswari @ Diapermum

  33. Yay! Happy Blogiversary!

  34. Isabel S./Lisbon-Portugal9 June 2012 at 15:54

    Happy birthday! Lovely party with lots of yummi things.....
    I've discover your blog only a few months ago, by chance, and since then every day I check in to see if there is anything new. I wish all the best and many, many years of blogging! And thanks for sharing with us your lovely work. I just LOVE your blanket with such joyfull colors and white around....just gorgeous!
    Love from Lisbon/Portugal

  35. Happy Blogiversary, what a fun post, love all your tea party makes especially the birthday cake !!!! I love your blog and look forward to viewing over the next year. Congrats to you both. Deb xxxx

  36. ¡Feliz bloganiversario! Espero poder seguir visitándote por muchos años más!
    Un abrazo desde A Coruña.

  37. Happy Blogiversary,from Spain and lots of luck for the next 100 years!!!!

  38. I've just recently started folowwing this blog, but I enjoy your posts very much.
    Happy blogiversary, may there be many years to come!!

  39. Happy blogiversay!
    We had some cake for you both!

  40. Yay - congratulations!! Happy Blogiversary! Definitely worth celebrating, especially when it's a blog as great as yours - one of my favourite to read! The cake is fantastic, and most definitely sums up your blog!
    Maria x

  41. Congratulations! You're so lovely, and so is the blog.
    Here's to your next year(s) xx

  42. happy blogiversary! what a fun, colorful party!

  43. Congratulations! You have made so many lovely projects the last year. I'm enjoying a drop of pro secco to celebrate you both! :o)


  44. Happy blogiversary and thank you for the party. Here's to many more.
    Love from Mum

  45. Congratulations and Happy...Happy blogiversary to both of you!!!
    I have just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago but I have already mentioned you on my blog and told some of my friends to check your blog because I was soooo inspired by your creations...
    thanks for sharing your creations and keeping us inspired!!!

  46. Very happy Bloggiversary. I think you do a superb job! Keep up the good work. xxx The cakes are wonderful!

  47. Congratulations on your first year!! Just we can hope for many more to come!!

  48. Hi Dennis and Matt

    A wonderful blog. I found it couple of months ago. Its really very colourful. You have done fabulous projects. Very neat and wonderful work. Today's blog post is a feast to one's eyes! Lovely.

    All the best

  49. Happy Blog Birthday from just around the corner in Switzerland :) Just recently discovered your lovely blog and it's my favorite! You have such a wonderful sense of color and your posts are all so happy and upbeat that I can't help but smile every time I stop by! :)

  50. Happy Blog Birthday!!
    Love the cookies!

  51. Congratulations on your first year!!!!
    Happy Blog Birthday!!



  52. ¡Happy Blog Birthday!
    ¡Felicidades! :)

  53. CONGRATULATIONS!! Happy Blog-i-versary Matt and Dennis. I love your blog and I look forward to more wonderful craft-y-ness from you both!!

  54. Thanks for a wonderful party! I had such a good time!! Happy Blogiversary!!!
    Gracie <3

  55. Aww Congrats on your blogiversary!!

  56. Yeah..looking forward to following you for another great year!

  57. Congrats looking forward to another great year of lurking around your

  58. You 2 know how to throw a party! Happy Blog Birthday and Congratulations!!

  59. Congrats on your blogiversary!!!!!!! Your blog is a joy to visit. Keep up the good work :-)


    1. Happy anniversary on your first blog year. You create such beautiful things. It's always a joy to visit your blog.
      Your cake is wonderful as usualy.

      Keep up the good works!

      Groetjes, Monique

  60. HAPPY BIRTHDAY wonderful blog! :) I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! your work, your photos, everything! Thank for this beautiful blog! :)
    xxx Laura

  61. Hello Matt and Dennis
    Happy Blog Birthday and I am your newest follower at this moment.
    I like your blog!
    that is what I call " plain English" or lets just say getting to the point.
    I have just come over from Linda's Craftycorner blog and I am enjoying a few blog moments wandering around your blog space and I don't feel like expanding more on my first comment because I'm off back in again to look much much more.......I'll just repeat.... I like your blog.

    Keep well now

    Amanda :-)

  62. Hi guys!

    Happy Birthday to the blog! :)

    Stay happy and keep blogging...

    Hugs from São Miguel , Azores Islands

  63. Congratulations!
    I ♥ the Birthday cake!

  64. Congrats on your Blogaversary! Your creations really inspired us crocheters.


  65. Joyeux blogiversaire !!!
    I love your cake, so beautiful !
    Bises de France

  66. Happy Blogaversary to you! What a wonderful creative year you have had and thank you for sharing with us. What a beautiful cake :-) Joanna xx

  67. Happy Happy BIRTHDAY to you both !!! :-) xxx
    Thank you to inviting me to your party, those Tunnocks teacakes are my absolute favourites.........YUMMY !!
    Love you guys and your blog xxxxx
    Big hugs Fee xxxxxxx

  68. Happy Birthday guys! You should definitely celebrate your blogs fab and look how many followers you have after just 1 year :-o Amazing stuff :-D

    Keep sharing all your yummy projects with us!!

  69. Congrats to both of you on your blogiversary. Keep up the great work! And btw, the cake looks GREAT!!!


  70. Happy Birthday to you guys !!!!
    Sorry i could not be there on the day itself (bummer) but still, I wanted to say hi.
    I hope you keep blogging away as best as you can, because i really enjoy tuning in to see what yumminess you are creating next!


  71. ps... I really LOVE LOVE LOVE all the party snacks you made!!!! The cake turned out wonderful!!!!


  72. Happy Birthday! Looks like it was a fab party and the cake delicious. What a fabulous first year you've had! x

  73. Hi Matt and Dennis
    You are mad hatters! So glad you in my life!
    Happy Birthday! Thanks for a great PARTy!

  74. Happy Blogiversary Matt & Dennis! You two rock!

  75. How wonderful, Happy blogiversary to you both. Your both sooo full of fab ideas. It's my blogiverary next week, maybe I'll have a tea party too x x
    Esther-handmade with love x

  76. Happy blog birthday! <3 I love it xxx

  77. Congrats from Ireland. Love your blog and I am looking forward to see more.

  78. Congratulations! Wow. This is indeed nice blog.

  79. The environment for this page is so relaxing, the designers mix perfectly the right colors.

  80. Happy Blogiversary from Turkey... Love your blog...lots of inspiration... lots of color...

  81. Happy Blog Anniversary ..... What a fabulous year of colourful inspiration you have given us. Many thanks.

    Is there any cake left? : )

    Fleur xx

  82. Pati from London14 June 2012 at 18:54

    Happy blog Anniversary!!! You guys are a real delight! I loved all your arty goodness. Look forward to many more blogging years!! Pati x

  83. Loved this post! Congrats on ur blogaversary. Such a wonderful year you have had too. Let's look forward to another good year. I look forward to see what you make next x

  84. Hola me llamo Maribel y estoy muy contenta de haber encontrado tu blogs, no me canso de verlo es super bonito , un monton de besos ....

  85. Happy Birthday what a great site you have looking forward to seeing more :O) {{{HUGS}}}


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