Saturday 26 December 2015

Final Chapter

Hello Lovelies!!!
I do hope you are all having the most splendid holiday celebrations. Merry Christmas to you all!!
I thought I'd pop by as it's been an absolute eternity since I last posted.
I have a warm mug of milky coffee at my side, along with a mince pie to nibble on and I'm feeling rather reflective.
It's almost the end of another year and 2016 is already on the horizon.
2015 has been a good one for me. It's been a busy year and zoomed by at lightning speed, but definitely a good year.It's hard to comprehend that it's already coming to an end.
When I look back at 2015 I see that it's been a year of work. My job had been nonstop and feels like it didn't slow up at all, which I must say is the main reason I haven't been popping by to write on my blog. Being exhausted from work and trying to balance regular blog posts, seemed like a juggling act and at the end of the Summer I decided to take a little break from According to Matt.
I only intended to be away for a couple of weeks, maybe a month at the most. We are now 5 months later and you haven't heard a thing from me. I'm sorry for that, especially to all of the people that have stood by me and my blog for so long.
Having a break from my blog has been great though, I feel creatively recharged and ready to start something new.
Something new is really the case though, as I have decided to call it a day with According to Matt.
It's been a really great journey and I've enjoyed every moment of my blog, which is the exact reason I'm not quitting Blogland all together. Simply moving homes.
After some serious consideration I've decided that I'm no longer going to be writing here on my blog. I will keep the blog online for anybody who wants to look back at old posts patterns and tutorials, but nothing new will be written here. Instead I'll be over at my new home A Boy & Bunting.

A Boy & Bunting is something that started out as a joint venture together with Dennis. We've been working non stop over the past months to create a site that is fun and informative and (of course) has a blog.
I'm so insanely excited about it!! I can not wait to share it with you all.
It seems appropriate that with the ticking over of the new year to start something fresh and so from January 1st, A Boy & Bunting will be online at "" I do hope you will all pop by and visit us at our new home and support our new venture the same as you've always supported According to Matt.
I really can not tell you how much I have planned together with Dennis for the next year a head! I hope you join us for the journey and can't wait to see you on the other side!!! Thank you all for the support over the past 4 and a bit years, it really means the world! Lots of love always

Saturday 11 July 2015

Poppy Love

Hello there!! I do hope you are all well? 
Once again I've been away for far too long, but I have good reasons!! You see I've been a little preoccupied. 
I've been living a dream that I've had for most of my life and one that Dennis and I have shared for over 5 years. The dream of being doggy parents!!! 
It seems a little surreal even writing this post, as having a dog has always been something that I knew would happen in the future,  just not something that would be happening now. 
She's the cutest bundle of fluff and already I'm 100% in love with her!
Her name is Poppy and she's a 9 week old Bolonka Zwetna, who's already earned the place of being my sidekick.  


Dennis and I knew that getting a dog takes a lot of responsibility and time, and after years of deliberating realised that there was never going to be the perfect time to get a puppy. Now was as good a time as ever. 
After finally deciding that we were going to take the plunge and get a dog, we set about looking online for breeders that dealt specifically in this breed. We already knew the breed from looking after our friends dog, Hayley (Here are some pics of Hayley from previous post, "The Dog Collar", "A Walk In The Park"). We thought that this breed of dog would suit us well as they remain pretty small, which is better for our apartment. Also they shed no fur, which is great for my allergies! 
After making contact with a breeder we patiently awaited the birth date. On the 6th of May she was born, along with her (also) black and white sister and her chocolate brown brother.

So tiny and eyes not yet open. We had to wait until her fourth week before we could go and visit. What a wait that was, it seemed like forever.  
On the 6th of June we made our journey to the breeders house,  it was a couple of hours away North of Stuttgart. It happened to be the same weekend that my Mum and Dad were visiting, so they also came (very excitedly) along for the trip. 

What a moment that was! Seeing our puppy for the very first time.

She was so insanely small, very cute and already intrigued by her surrounding environment. It brought tears to my eyes holding her for the first time, so small and vulnerable.

We both held her for a while, before just watching and observing as her very proud mother gave her a wash and a cuddle.  

Our minds were made up that she was the dog for us!
The next month was a month of planning, buying toys, bowls, beds and other essentials.

Dennis and I were totally excited and more than prepared! We both had a countdown set on our phones, counting down to the very special day.

Every morning we would cross one more day off of our chalk board calendar.

The day was finally here!! We both couldn't believe it! Very excited,  but a little nervous and anxious of how things were going to be.  

We left bright and early and made our journey to the breeders house. 
The second I saw Poppy again, my nerves melted away and I knew that things were going to be ok. 
Here's the picture that the breeder took of us, shortly before we were about to head back home. "Over the moon" seems to sum up our moods.  Dennis and I and our 8 week old puppy, named Poppy.

Poppy had a really easy drive home, no crying, vomiting, pooping or peeing. Pretty amazing considering she was leaving her old home and traveling with us for the first time in a car. All of this and on the hottest day of the year!

Once at home we took her for a walk so she could relieve herself. She did very well and seemed curious of her new environment.

She's settling in splendidly and already finding a nice routine along with the two of us.

It's now been a whole week since we picked her up. 
Dennis and I are a little tired from the wake ups in the night, but above all we are insanely thrilled to have her. 
Summed up...this is up there as one of the best weeks of my life! We've played and cuddled and licked and explored, sniffed and slept and cuddled some more!

You'll be seeing lots more of this fur ball around here!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend! We're off to our first puppy play class today, should be fun!!

This post has moved!
You can read an updated and revised version on our new blog.

Click here to read this post in full at it's new home!