Thursday 26 February 2015

Darker Than Normal

Hello Lovelies! 
How are you all doing?
Over three whole weeks since I last posted.....sorry about that.
I've been crazy busy at work and occupying my free time with some behind the scenes blogging. I'm hoping I can show you what I've been working on within the next couple of weeks, but until then, I'm keeping it all rather hush hush. I'm excited about how my secret blogging project is progressing and can't wait to share all with you very soon. 

Today I thought I'd share some lovely, bright and vibrant pictures that I took last week. Pictures of tulips that I picked up from the florist down the road. I love the warmth from these pictures, as they make me feel all giddy about the thought of Spring creeping around the corner. 

Not normally one to moan, but I'm feeling the need for Springtime or at least a spot of sunshine.
I like to think of myself as a happy person, but every now and then the blues get the better of me and I end up feeling a tad glum for no reason at all (especially during this time of the year).

It's my need for sunshine and warmth that draws me towards bright happy objects like these tulips. They help lighten my mood when it's feeling heavier and darker than normal.

Colour lifts my mood.

Writing this post also reminds me how much my blog lifts my mood. I get a huge amount of happiness from working on my blog and thank you all for encouraging me to continue with my blogging.

When I feel glum, I don't often feel like sitting at my laptop and blogging. I guess that's why I haven't blogged in some weeks.
It's a funny feeling, Similar to when I can't be bothered to go to the gym, but when I finally do, I feel great for it afterwards.
When I'm blue, blogging seems like handwork. However, when I finally make the effort to get back to it, I realise just how good it makes me feel.  I also realise how much I've missed interacting with you all.

Blogging and sharing, lifts my mood.

It's a strange post today, more like a diary entry.
What I'm getting at though, is thats it's important to find your happy place. Especially on those days when your mood it feeling gloomier than normal.

Find your happy outlet..... a boost of colour, some interaction with like minded people, a good work out at the gym, a good ol' crafty project or simply a bunch of tulips.

What ever you need to lift your mood.

What brings you back to your happy place? Once you know the answer to that question, I urge you not to forget it. Ask that question when you next feel a tad down and remind yourself of your answer.

What lifts your mood? for me.....a spot of blogging and a bright bunch of Springtime tulips, I'm going to try and not forget that.

I'm feeling chirpier now. Thanks!

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Sunday 1 February 2015

Fibi The Fox

Hey there!! 
Wow we've hit February already!!! My how time flies!!!
January was a good month though. 
For me it was a month of focus, getting back into a routine (after the Christmas season) and a month of rather fun crafty projects. 

Earlier last month I made my first Lalylala doll. Lupo the Lamb was his name and what a fun make he was! (You can read about Lupo here)
Following the fab pattern by designer Lydia Tresselt (, I fell in love with the simple but cute features of these dolls. After making my first, I just HAD to make another one (of course not entirely selfish, as Lupo definitely needed some company).
This time I decided on Fibi, Fibi the fox!!!

I learnt a lesson from my first experience with these dolls and realised that with my first, I had used yarn that was far to thick. This time I went on a hunt to find yarn in appropriate colours and equally appropriate weight. 
I settled for Oslo by Wolle Rödel, in cream, vibrant orange, dark grey and later for the scarf I used a soft merino yarn that was lurking at the bottom of my stash (unfortunately I'm not sure of the details as the label had gone walkabouts). 

I got started with Fibi's head. Nice, round and full, making sure to add the safety eyes along with a nice generous amount of toy stuffing. 
Two little legs were made...
and her long body. I'm loving that rusty orange colour, it has so much warmth to it.

Of course she needed some foxy ears......
and arms so she can wave "hello" to her friends.

With a a little focus and a touch of hard work, she was ready in no time.
I checked  that she was firmly stuffed, to avoid a sagging head. Then stitched her carefully together, making sure to do a nice neat job.

Isn't she looking rather adorable!!

Of course she needs a nice warm scarf, to keep her cosy whilst playing in the forest with her friends.
I made this out of some scrap yarn I had stashed at home. Instead of knitting like the pattern suggested, I actually made this with a simple Tunisian crochet stitch. I made it nice and long, before adding a little bit of fringing to each end. 

All done!!!
Rather FOXY!!!

I'm very happy with how she turned out! The lighter weight yarn worked better than the chunkier yarn I had used for Lupo. She's filled firmly and holds her form perfectly. 

She loves meeting up with her dear friend Lupo, for a spot of fun in the forrest. There favourite thing is to collect leaves together. Big leaves, small leaves, pretty leaves!

I really enjoyed making my second Lalylala. I don't think I'm done though with these cute crocheted characters. I'm sure I'll be making some others throughout the year. 

Happy Sunday my lovelies!!! 

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You can read an updated and revised version on our new blog.

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