Hello fellow crafters!!!
I've been hard at work making bunting for my balcony and "oh my" have I enjoyed making it!
I decided to make it out of felt as I have a big assortment of scrap felt at home, I thought it was about time I used it for something. Not to mention felt comes in such an amazing array of colours....
I started by making a template out of a piece of cardboard from an old cereal box. I figured it was easier (and way faster) to draw around a template, rather than measure and mark out each piece of bunting individually.
I traced around my bunting template onto each of the felt pieces and cut them out. Leaving me with a lovely collection of colourful flags.
I then cut long rectangular strips of felt that I folded in half and placed at the top of my little bunting flags. I did my best to make this rectangle piece of felt as contrasting to the main section of the flag as possible.
With the help of my trusty sewing machine I stitched the rectangular pieces to the main flag section to secure it in place, giving the bunting a rather lovely upper edge.
Finally I threaded each of the bunting flags on to some twine I had bought from the local hardware store.
My felt bunting was all ready to hang!!
Now I hate to get all "deep" on you but I have to bring up a question that a friend of mine asked...... "What is the point of bunting? What do you do with it? Why would you bother?" and at the time I didn't know the answer.
I've thought about this for a few days and even held off from hanging my bunting as I thought that maybe it was a little stupid.
Up until yesterday my bunting sat in a pile on the dining room table with absolutely no purpose.
It was yesterday afternoon when the sun was shining that I finally went out on to the balcony and started to hang the bunting from the balcony that hangs above.
Once I had completed the stringing of my bunting, I sat back and enjoyed the shadows that it cast upon the wall.
I realised that there was a point to bunting.
The point of bunting is JOY. Making the bunting bought my JOY, the shadows from the bunting bought me JOY. The colour of the bunting brings me JOY.
Sure it doesn't have an obvious function, but this little mass of felt scarabs that is connected to some simple twine makes me happy every time I look at it.
Isn't it strange how something so simple can bring so much JOY. Pointless? Um....Definitely NOT!

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